Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Glory of Taiwan台灣之光

Who is glory of Taiwan ?

Chien-Ming Wang
In the New York Yankees have best pitcher.

He is height is 6 foot and 3 inch .

He is 225 pount .He used right throw the ball .

He wae born March31, 1980 in Tainan City, Taiwan .

In the year 2000, Chien-Ming Wang has joined

the American Double A league. His pitching skill has

elevated ever since.

After joining the New York Yankees in 2005,

his performances has been remarkable.

He even got the most Wins in the Major league

Baseball in 2006, he is now the baseball hero of Taiwan.

In the year 2006 , he won 19 times a year .

In the year 2007, he also won 19 times a year .

He’s winning because of that hard sinker.

You can hit it on the screws,

and if it’s sinking, you’ve hit a nice, hard ground ball.

It takes a lot of ground balls to win.

He was was a member of the 2004 Chinese-Taipei

Olympic Team and a two-time Olympic All-Star.

to take part in Taiwan at the 2004

I from Taiwan city like wang , we studied same middle school .

When I read second year, he just begins to read middle school.

Even we were same school, I don’t know him .

Because we were different grade and he studied sports class

He class always studied about any sports .

In my father’s idea . he think go to study sports class always bad boy .

He taught me don’t got friend from sports class .

Until 2006 ,my neighbor got to marry . I saw Chien-Ming Wang.

In the bridal dinner . my neighbor told me .

Wang was junior brother in the Middle school .

I was very surprised.

In lost year 2006 , Acer had to produce about wang ,
He won 19 times of lattop .
He was take 300 thousand a year .
We also call he is low-priced in the pitcher .
I hope he can get morn money
because he is best pitcher on the world .

1 comment:

Michael Jumonville said...

What a great player. Thanks for writing. Good blog.