Tuesday, September 25, 2007

UN of Taiwan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep / 16th / 2007 at New York

Taiwan’s sea goddess to promote UN bid

Lone time ago, when Taiwan secession from UN for 36 years who

want to into again . Taiwan was since withdrawing from the UN,

the international space of Taiwan has been compressed all the

time and Taiwan people afraid the war from China .

Our ally “the United States “always to please China.

WHAT CAN WE DO??????????????????????????

We don't want to be have nuclear weapons even we can,

We don't want to be terrorism country even we can,

We don't want to mark problem at international.

We just to self-reliant.

In the 2007 year , we sent

politicians, scholars, singers

and dancers to the United States

to support its bid to join the UN.

We weren't looking any influence .

Finally, We only count hoping and

hold it on the Matsu .

We hope

"Let the world hear the sound of Taiwan”

On September 15 when the troupe will perform

the Matsu ceremony in front of the UN

headquarters Matsu's statue sits in

a covered armchair carried by

four disciples. and noisy parade with

13 messengers dressed

in 2-metre tall colorful costumes.

More than 3000 people procession, it is here

to assemble on Dag Hammarskjold Plaza ,

The Matsu' lead everyone to March on

2nd Ave toward 42nd St., turn on to 42nd St.

and march toward 12th Ave.

Final the processi arrive at Chinese Consulate

This is the spectacle that Taiwan will take

to the doors of the UN in New York.

Set / 18 th /2007 at New York .

Usual Taiwan is not allowed inside the UN.

The is fron 1992 to now , we also

campaign to join the UN . It has

failed each year , but we will try

every year until we can into UN .

Actual Taiwan is an independent and sovereign nation country .

The people of Taiwan enjoy rights , We like the

United State and many first world nations.

We have 23 million inhabitants live in Taiwan .

we also is the free country ,

We hope we can allow inside the UN .

not merely help from UN .

we also want to help other country .

1 comment:

Michael Jumonville said...

Hi Chia-Hung,
This looks like a great parade for a great cause. I hope Taiwan can become part of the UN too. Thanks for writing. Good blog.