Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Glory of Taiwan台灣之光

Who is glory of Taiwan ?

Chien-Ming Wang
In the New York Yankees have best pitcher.

He is height is 6 foot and 3 inch .

He is 225 pount .He used right throw the ball .

He wae born March31, 1980 in Tainan City, Taiwan .

In the year 2000, Chien-Ming Wang has joined

the American Double A league. His pitching skill has

elevated ever since.

After joining the New York Yankees in 2005,

his performances has been remarkable.

He even got the most Wins in the Major league

Baseball in 2006, he is now the baseball hero of Taiwan.

In the year 2006 , he won 19 times a year .

In the year 2007, he also won 19 times a year .

He’s winning because of that hard sinker.

You can hit it on the screws,

and if it’s sinking, you’ve hit a nice, hard ground ball.

It takes a lot of ground balls to win.

He was was a member of the 2004 Chinese-Taipei

Olympic Team and a two-time Olympic All-Star.

to take part in Taiwan at the 2004

I from Taiwan city like wang , we studied same middle school .

When I read second year, he just begins to read middle school.

Even we were same school, I don’t know him .

Because we were different grade and he studied sports class

He class always studied about any sports .

In my father’s idea . he think go to study sports class always bad boy .

He taught me don’t got friend from sports class .

Until 2006 ,my neighbor got to marry . I saw Chien-Ming Wang.

In the bridal dinner . my neighbor told me .

Wang was junior brother in the Middle school .

I was very surprised.

In lost year 2006 , Acer had to produce about wang ,
He won 19 times of lattop .
He was take 300 thousand a year .
We also call he is low-priced in the pitcher .
I hope he can get morn money
because he is best pitcher on the world .

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

UN of Taiwan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sep / 16th / 2007 at New York

Taiwan’s sea goddess to promote UN bid

Lone time ago, when Taiwan secession from UN for 36 years who

want to into again . Taiwan was since withdrawing from the UN,

the international space of Taiwan has been compressed all the

time and Taiwan people afraid the war from China .

Our ally “the United States “always to please China.

WHAT CAN WE DO??????????????????????????

We don't want to be have nuclear weapons even we can,

We don't want to be terrorism country even we can,

We don't want to mark problem at international.

We just to self-reliant.

In the 2007 year , we sent

politicians, scholars, singers

and dancers to the United States

to support its bid to join the UN.

We weren't looking any influence .

Finally, We only count hoping and

hold it on the Matsu .

We hope

"Let the world hear the sound of Taiwan”

On September 15 when the troupe will perform

the Matsu ceremony in front of the UN

headquarters Matsu's statue sits in

a covered armchair carried by

four disciples. and noisy parade with

13 messengers dressed

in 2-metre tall colorful costumes.

More than 3000 people procession, it is here

to assemble on Dag Hammarskjold Plaza ,

The Matsu' lead everyone to March on

2nd Ave toward 42nd St., turn on to 42nd St.

and march toward 12th Ave.

Final the processi arrive at Chinese Consulate

This is the spectacle that Taiwan will take

to the doors of the UN in New York.

Set / 18 th /2007 at New York .

Usual Taiwan is not allowed inside the UN.

The is fron 1992 to now , we also

campaign to join the UN . It has

failed each year , but we will try

every year until we can into UN .

Actual Taiwan is an independent and sovereign nation country .

The people of Taiwan enjoy rights , We like the

United State and many first world nations.

We have 23 million inhabitants live in Taiwan .

we also is the free country ,

We hope we can allow inside the UN .

not merely help from UN .

we also want to help other country .

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Chinese Valentine's Day

The Chinese Valentine's Day is on the 7th days of the July at lunar calendar .So we also call Double Seventh Day. The Double Seventh day is about lover story .The story about 7th daughter of Emperor of Heaven and an cowherd.

The story began about young cowherd. He was good-looking and poor. He was living with his old brother, sister-in-law and parents. When his parents to die. His brother inherited house and farmland .the young boy has old cattle. He needed to work on the farmland with the old cattle everyday. So we also call
He is “cowherd.”

The 7th daughter of Emperor of Heaven. She is good at handcrafting and weaving clothing. The Emperor very likes her skill. So we also call her is “Weaving Maid”.

Actually the old cattle was deity from the Heaven. He made mistakes in the Heaven and was punished as a cattle in the Earth .One day the old cattle talked with cowherd. Cowherd very surprised about cattle can speak .the cattle said
“You are a nice person. If you want to get married, go to the brook and your wish will be come true." The cowherd went to the brook. He saw 7 pretty daughters of Emperor came down from Heaven. They took a bath in there. Cowherd loves the youngest and also the most beautiful one. He took away her fairy clothes so the youngest couldn't fly back without her fairy clothes .
The other six fairies went away after bath. When Weaving Maid stayed alone , the cowherd told her that he would not return her clothes unless she promised marry to him . After they got marry and had two children two years later. One day the Emperor found he’s the 7th daughter to be missing . The Emperor wanted his daughter's grandmother to find the missing daughter and to bring her back. While the Weaving Maid was flying to the Heaven with her grandmother , the cowboy took his children in two bamboo baskets with his wife's old fairy clothes and chased after his wife in the sky . Weaving Maid was moved to the star Vega . The cowherd with his two children stayed in the star Altair. The Emperor allowed them to meet once a year so magpies were marking bridge let Weaving Maid and cowboy can meet at evening on the 7th days of the July at lunar calendar .

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


It is a very serious trouble. All hair is over the floor. what should i do ? Maybe i must go to hospital or talk with hair regrowth treatment agency . I am worry to death. Who can help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh righ !! I will tell you the truth . It is my sister's dog and she shed that . she is 3 years old now. She is Bernese Mountain Dog . Her name is April . This week she begin change her hair . I think we have a dog-person. She doesn't like other dogs or plays with them.She loves to hang out with people. She thought that she as a human not a dog.

who know what happen . The dog change hair

twice a year .

I clean hours once a week usually, but this time i have to clear the floor everyday .

She is from Czech Republic . she was my sister bought from internet . When she just arrived home she was very small and thin but now she is a big girl. she is 90 pounds and 125


she likes run and eat .Her favorit food is everything you eat. She always use the begging eyes to look at you.To make you feel guilty and share you food with her. When you accidently drop your food on the floor, the food will disappear immediately. April doesn't like dog food because it tastes not good. How can I know the dog food taste not good? I was the victim of the dog food because my sister told me that it was human's food and I ate it. I realized that was April's food.April is a pity dog because she have to eat that everyday.

Her favorit activity takes a walk outside. She likes cold weather especially sonwy day.She loves to poo on snow.
If you tell her to take a show,she will run away. Everytime she take a show, the bathroom looks like just having a World Was Three.

she is very friendly and playful .She is also a fast learner. When she first arrived home, she did quite a dramatic damage to the house. Now, she has finally become an obedient champion dog. I’m very proud of her change. She also helps me to have a better understanding of the personalities of Bernese mountain dog. if i return Taiwan

i will bring her back to Taiwan.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Best car in the world

Some people disagree about the best car in the world. Toyota is best can in the world because I had used Toyota car. When I drove car on the high way the voice was very quiet and engine was very small .My car already four years, I never fixed anything about my car. My can get good gas mileage, I usually to refuel 16 gallons one time . I used probably 300 mile to Next time will increase the gasoline until me .But some people think it is very expensive more then other car and it warrantee just 3 years or 50000 mile it is not enough .when I used my can my feeling was very good and it can get good gas mileage .

Friday, August 31, 2007

I Need post my homework on the blog

Hell !!
i am a English student in ELC V.U
i take wrating class 4A .
i must post my homework on the blog .
i would appreciate it if you would send me about your opinion.
thank you very much.